Wednesday, November 25, 2009


In our life, we will meet a few especially at secondary school. But, we also meet someone that can make us have different feeling. What that mean? So, are you such a good friend or a good lover?

Actually that is the same, when you love someone. You can do everything for him or her. There also same with a friends, when your friends have a problem. Would you help them even it hard to you? If your mind thinking “of cause not”. That mean you dun care about your friends. Some people say we should not trust your friend 100%. That true! But, you have to remember that friend can be second after family. Some friend we can trust but dun trust in

How about Relationship? In our age even still young, they also want to try about that kind of feeling. But for the person, who doesn’t marry yet. Please don’t ever want to put all your feeling to your couple. Because the first thing that we should make our life become a successful. It not matter if you have a relationship in teenager because all person have a feeling want to having some relationship even a teacher, professor, police or else. But as a teenager, we have to following the law of the country. Do not ever think when we have a relationship with someone then we can do whatever we like. We should be respecting each other especially teenager girls.

Didn’t someone forget about friends after have a relationship? Of cause there are, but please don’t do it because friends are hard to find then relationship. But for the single person, please respect your friends who have a relationship. Don’t be jealousy about it. One day your true love will come to you and her or him maybe your life partner.