Monday, November 9, 2009

Someone mean full to me!!!

First time when I saw you, i had a different feeling. That feeling make me hard to breath. Something makes me feel strange, and make me want to know you. Is that they name love? Is that feeling when we fall love with someone. I didn’t have that feeling before I’m meeting you. Most make me interesting with you is your eyes. Your eyes look like a cat eyes but you eye full of sadness. I’m feel sad when i looking your eyes. Why you have such beautiful eyes but you eyes full of sadness. It that what they told is someone was sad. We can see through the eyes. But it doesn’t matter because you always smiles. Your smiles make me feel happiness. When you smile or laugh, I’m will forget all my stress or panic. Still remember when i have a competition, you always support me. That time i seriously but at last I’m lost. You even disappointed but you still cheer me. That time I should disappointed but because of your cheer make me feeling happy. When I’m holding your hand, I’m can feel the warm from your hand until right now. I’m couldn’t feel cold when I’m holding your hand. Why your take off your hand from me. You the only one who was change me. You the one who let me know how to serious to someone. I’m known in our age, we should not be serious. But, why you just leave me without a reason. Is that I’m still not good for you. But what can i do just now is wish you success in your live. Maybe I’m the reason for you failing. But for me, you still mine everything even you not beside me. But for me, there are no one can replace you because mine feeling still belong to you. Anyway, thank for your careless to me because let me put up my head and wake from the darkness and learn a positive side. Maybe if we never meet before, I’m think I’m still a loser and unused person. Thank for giving me a chance to learn what I’m should learn before. I’m still remembering when we make a revision together, you always teach me without feel angry. You always support me to study without know “give up” words. Thank for you everything, and i promise that i will continue my life without you!