Wednesday, November 25, 2009



I like to say something about myself. I like to freedom and live by my own life. Why they always want to control my life? I want to be a bird which can fly away and where it wants to go. I want to become a kite which can fly higher than the mountain. I don’t want my life be control of my family. I just want to know, how hard to be alone in my life. I don’t to depend to anyone even i was hard in my life. I’m jealous to my friends which are freedom from their family. I want depend by myself to live. I want to know how hard if working while study. Why my friend’s family let them work even they still fewer than twenty one. Why my family won’t let me live in difficult? I want to know how difficult if work while study. I don’t want my family work so hard just because of my future. I want to be a successful person by myself, my own strength, and my own energy. That will be more meaning if i do it by myself. That not a reason if your all don’t want me to be tired, i’m know you all want me to focus on my study. But in my feeling, i’m so sad because i’m make you all tired, just because of me. Please! Let me freedom, i want you stop worry about me. i’m already 19 year old, I’m know what is good and what is the bad. I know what can make my life become successful. But i want make my life become successful by my own strength, my own energy. I want to practise my life before i’m become a adult. I want feel difficult life before i become adult. I’m promise that i will study hard and go through even there are many difficult problem. i want do it by myself. Please! Let me FREEDOM!!!