Wednesday, November 25, 2009


General purpose: to make Hinava
Specific purpose: to demonstrate how to make Hinava
Central idea:
• Make their own traditional food
• Hygiene
• Control the taste
Good morning to Miss Freda and all my friends. Today i want to demonstrate how to make Hinava. First, i want to explain what is Hinava and where is it come from? Hinava is a kadazan traditional food. But also been made by local people in sabah.

1. Ingredient: raw shark meat (500gram), blended chilli (as many you can) , shallot(4 clove), ginger ( 100gram), lime juices (10 seed)
2. Step
• First, put the raw shark meat into a big bowl
• Add some salt for seasoning to taste.
• Splash a lime juice in the bowl on top of the shark meat
• Add the shallot and ginger into the bowl which full with a shark meat
• Add some blended chilli to make it spicy and colouring
• Mix the entire ingredient until the meat tick
The traditional food like Hinava that i already made it, only can found in Sabah because this kind of food is very special for local people in Sabah. all those ingredient that i use can found in any market.

There many kind of traditional foods like tuhao, bambangan, fried votod, sagu and many more. I’m choose hinava as my presentation because it very delicious for me and i would like to share this information about making hinava to all of you. So you all can try to make it by your own self.


In our life, we will meet a few especially at secondary school. But, we also meet someone that can make us have different feeling. What that mean? So, are you such a good friend or a good lover?

Actually that is the same, when you love someone. You can do everything for him or her. There also same with a friends, when your friends have a problem. Would you help them even it hard to you? If your mind thinking “of cause not”. That mean you dun care about your friends. Some people say we should not trust your friend 100%. That true! But, you have to remember that friend can be second after family. Some friend we can trust but dun trust in

How about Relationship? In our age even still young, they also want to try about that kind of feeling. But for the person, who doesn’t marry yet. Please don’t ever want to put all your feeling to your couple. Because the first thing that we should make our life become a successful. It not matter if you have a relationship in teenager because all person have a feeling want to having some relationship even a teacher, professor, police or else. But as a teenager, we have to following the law of the country. Do not ever think when we have a relationship with someone then we can do whatever we like. We should be respecting each other especially teenager girls.

Didn’t someone forget about friends after have a relationship? Of cause there are, but please don’t do it because friends are hard to find then relationship. But for the single person, please respect your friends who have a relationship. Don’t be jealousy about it. One day your true love will come to you and her or him maybe your life partner.


A day before the party, my friend and I was disgust about our party. Some of my friend want have a party at them house but some of them want have a party at beach. It has been an hour to disgust about the place to have a party. A few later, one of my friends suggest have a party at Tanjung Aru beach. At last, all of them were deal about the suggestion. Then we starting collect the money for our party. Then my a few friends join me go to buy some ingredient for the party.
The party day, I’m borrowing my friend’s van to fetch all my friends. We all were disappointed because there are going rain. But it not a problem of us because me and my friends all waiting for it has been long time. When we reach there, I and my friends run to the sea without changing our cloth. Then some of my friends were preparing the barbeque. Then we play our game at the beach that is playing rugby at the beach. It such fun because i didn’t have play rugby at beach before. Before we all take a meal, we all run to the sea again and play again at the sea. Then we have a delicious barbeque chicken wing and cold coke. Then one of my friends was playing guitar and we all was sing a song. After take a breath, we still continue our rugby game. It feels so painful but it still fun for us. Suddenly, there got a people has been bite by jelly fish. Thanks for the God because got a safety guard at there, the guard put the vinegar at the pain. But, at last the person was send to the hospital. We have a party until 7 pm at tanjung aru. All of us was tired but it still a sweet memories for our friendship...



I like to say something about myself. I like to freedom and live by my own life. Why they always want to control my life? I want to be a bird which can fly away and where it wants to go. I want to become a kite which can fly higher than the mountain. I don’t want my life be control of my family. I just want to know, how hard to be alone in my life. I don’t to depend to anyone even i was hard in my life. I’m jealous to my friends which are freedom from their family. I want depend by myself to live. I want to know how hard if working while study. Why my friend’s family let them work even they still fewer than twenty one. Why my family won’t let me live in difficult? I want to know how difficult if work while study. I don’t want my family work so hard just because of my future. I want to be a successful person by myself, my own strength, and my own energy. That will be more meaning if i do it by myself. That not a reason if your all don’t want me to be tired, i’m know you all want me to focus on my study. But in my feeling, i’m so sad because i’m make you all tired, just because of me. Please! Let me freedom, i want you stop worry about me. i’m already 19 year old, I’m know what is good and what is the bad. I know what can make my life become successful. But i want make my life become successful by my own strength, my own energy. I want to practise my life before i’m become a adult. I want feel difficult life before i become adult. I’m promise that i will study hard and go through even there are many difficult problem. i want do it by myself. Please! Let me FREEDOM!!!


When secondary school. I’m a good boy until i meet my good friend, Mr. A. I meet Mr. A when i was from 2. That is I’m 15 year old. He is the same school bus with me. One day, he was asking me to join his escape the school. That time, I’m does not have any friend except him. Ever time I’m brought extra cloth to the school. We always go to the cyber city to play computer game. One day, Mr. A brings me to the club. He teach me how to drinking and also introduce Mr. B to me. Mr B is a boss of that club. He introduces a kind of drug that name is K. K made me rich when i was from 3. I was help Mr B to sell the drug. That time, I’m really become a bad guy. I was join the gengstering. We always are fighting to each group. One day, while i was fighting with a guy who was from the other group. There are come a few cop 2 catch us. That time, my mother really disappointed with my attitude. Then, I’m quit from the group and become a new live. But i’m still contact with gangster friend including Mr A. While i starting my new life, i have a new friend in my school. His name is T. T is a funny guy and he also friendly. I like hang out with him because when i hang out with him. I’m always laughs and happy. From that way, i already change and can think positive way. T becomes my best friend until right now. I think maybe is the God giving a present to me. When i was from 5, I’m join the rugby team. I was too late to join the team because that time i have to focus my SPM exam. Many teacher and student wish me to get a good result. I was very tension about it and i have a study every midnight. After we all finish the exam. All students were very happy and relax. Some student was crying because at last the exams are end. Then our class have some party at Tanjung Aru beach. We have a rugby game on the beach and have some fun over there. That day was a sweet memory and also bitter memories to us because that day is our last day meet each other. After that, i was working at sutera habour hotel. At that time, I’m learning about how tired to have a pay. I work as waiter at sutera with payment only Rm3 per hour. I work at sutera for 5 month. Then, i apply to study at Asian Tourisms International collage (ATI). At ATI, i have been taken DCA (Diploma Culinary Art). that is the last hope to keep my life become good in future.

That is about my family, me and also my history. What i want to apologize to my mother because i broken her heart many time before. Hope she will forgive what i had done before and i will promise her that i will change all my attitude.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Someone mean full to me!!!

First time when I saw you, i had a different feeling. That feeling make me hard to breath. Something makes me feel strange, and make me want to know you. Is that they name love? Is that feeling when we fall love with someone. I didn’t have that feeling before I’m meeting you. Most make me interesting with you is your eyes. Your eyes look like a cat eyes but you eye full of sadness. I’m feel sad when i looking your eyes. Why you have such beautiful eyes but you eyes full of sadness. It that what they told is someone was sad. We can see through the eyes. But it doesn’t matter because you always smiles. Your smiles make me feel happiness. When you smile or laugh, I’m will forget all my stress or panic. Still remember when i have a competition, you always support me. That time i seriously but at last I’m lost. You even disappointed but you still cheer me. That time I should disappointed but because of your cheer make me feeling happy. When I’m holding your hand, I’m can feel the warm from your hand until right now. I’m couldn’t feel cold when I’m holding your hand. Why your take off your hand from me. You the only one who was change me. You the one who let me know how to serious to someone. I’m known in our age, we should not be serious. But, why you just leave me without a reason. Is that I’m still not good for you. But what can i do just now is wish you success in your live. Maybe I’m the reason for you failing. But for me, you still mine everything even you not beside me. But for me, there are no one can replace you because mine feeling still belong to you. Anyway, thank for your careless to me because let me put up my head and wake from the darkness and learn a positive side. Maybe if we never meet before, I’m think I’m still a loser and unused person. Thank for giving me a chance to learn what I’m should learn before. I’m still remembering when we make a revision together, you always teach me without feel angry. You always support me to study without know “give up” words. Thank for you everything, and i promise that i will continue my life without you!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

About Me

I’m Kenneth poh tien hong and I’m born at July 16 1990. I was born in Queen Elizabeth Hospital Sabah. About me, I just a simple person. Sometime I like to having fun with my friends. My hobbies are hanged out with my friend at midnight. Sometime have a rest in listening music. Besides that, I’m also go play basketball near my house. My attitude is I like to have fun. Make something stupid or crazy. It can say my attitude like a children But I also a hot temper person. If someone was make me mad. I won’t forgive that person until my last breath. If i wan relax my mind or I’m too stressed, i have some smoke. I know that smokings are unhealthy but it is the way I’m try to relax myself. Besides that, when i was angry or bad mood, i will looking for cigarettes even I’m try stop smoking. Because that only the way i can relax myself become crazy. I had a history about I’m doing something crazy, that is when I’m 15 years old when I’m was from 2, i was punch a guy until the guy almost die. That time i was lost all my control. I don’t know why I’m doing like that. That all thing because the anger already control myself. If the positive side, I will go the place was peace example like beach. My favourite place to relax is at sutera beach coz that place too nice to relax my mind. In that place, the air was cold. The wave of the ocean was very strong that could make the sound when the wave was punch the stone. The colour of the ocean was blue and green. It is such a good place for the tourist to enjoy the environment. When at midnight, i like to bring my all friend to hang out at sutera. We always stay there and together sing at there.


Thursday, November 5, 2009


When I think about what makes someone a good friend, I think about all the characteristics of my own friends. My personal definition of a friend, is someone who is always looking out for me, and will help me if I’m in trouble. A friend has to be someone I trust and who trusts me in return. Another important characteristic in a friend is someone who I can talk to, and makes me laugh.One of the most important traits of a friend, is someone who will help you if you need it. And A strong friendship also depends upon mutual trust. If you can’t trust each other then it is impossible to establish a strong relationship.