Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Day We'Ve Become Friends

The day I met my best friend
It's like he knew me right away
It was funny how he understood
everything I had to say.
He listened to my problems
He listened to my dreams
He's been my friend forever
Maybe that’s just what It seems
He knew everything about me
I've given him the key
The key to my heart
Where every best friend should be
We talk all day
We could talk all night
Even when we are near
Or totally out of sight
To be the best friend that he could be amazes me
Because I don't think he will ever see
The best friend that he turned out to be
I just wanted to say take care
and thanks for always being there!

Thank You...

Thank you
For everything you have ever done
To make my life better
I might deny it sometimes
But a great part of who I am
Is thanks to the two of you
Sometimes I thought to myself
That you where being too strict
Sometimes unfair
But now I see
That it was all for the better
And I am thankful for it all
You taught me respect
On a level most kids my age
Never even heard of
You taught me the value of life
In a easy way to understand
I know that I
Can sometimes be a little hard headed
Or even a real teaser
But still I have managed
To follow your teachings
And become
As good a person as I can be

Thank you
For everything

Not Worth The Fight

How could you hurt me,
The way that you did,
I'm here for you always,
Is what you had said?
Now that you've lied,
Our friendship is dead,
It is now gone,
Left in the past,
Ours was a friendship,
I thought would last,
Why did you lie?
Why'd you pretend?
To actually care,
To be my good friend,
It pains me to know,
It's come to an end,
Somehow I guess it just wasn't right,
Our friendship's now cold,
And dark as the night,
I've come to the fact,

What Happen To Us?

What happen to us?
We use to be cool
And now we don’t even hang out around school

Where did the old days go?
Where we use to laugh and talk, joke around
Now were never near each other on the ground

I feel like we fought over stupid stuff
And even though times get rough
We are suppose to be tough

Don’t you feel like we created a wall?
In between us when we walk down the hall
I believe that it’s not right
That we got in a fight

Worst of all we got in a fight over a boy
Who was like a used up toy
Why can’t we understand that he broke our hearts
And then, one by one, tore us apart

And now he’s buttering me up
Saying that he loves me but do you think I am tough
Enough to say no
To the little boy who is a ho*

Now let me ask you a question
And maybe people have new suggestions
To what happen to us?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


General purpose: to make Hinava
Specific purpose: to demonstrate how to make Hinava
Central idea:
• Make their own traditional food
• Hygiene
• Control the taste
Good morning to Miss Freda and all my friends. Today i want to demonstrate how to make Hinava. First, i want to explain what is Hinava and where is it come from? Hinava is a kadazan traditional food. But also been made by local people in sabah.

1. Ingredient: raw shark meat (500gram), blended chilli (as many you can) , shallot(4 clove), ginger ( 100gram), lime juices (10 seed)
2. Step
• First, put the raw shark meat into a big bowl
• Add some salt for seasoning to taste.
• Splash a lime juice in the bowl on top of the shark meat
• Add the shallot and ginger into the bowl which full with a shark meat
• Add some blended chilli to make it spicy and colouring
• Mix the entire ingredient until the meat tick
The traditional food like Hinava that i already made it, only can found in Sabah because this kind of food is very special for local people in Sabah. all those ingredient that i use can found in any market.

There many kind of traditional foods like tuhao, bambangan, fried votod, sagu and many more. I’m choose hinava as my presentation because it very delicious for me and i would like to share this information about making hinava to all of you. So you all can try to make it by your own self.


In our life, we will meet a few especially at secondary school. But, we also meet someone that can make us have different feeling. What that mean? So, are you such a good friend or a good lover?

Actually that is the same, when you love someone. You can do everything for him or her. There also same with a friends, when your friends have a problem. Would you help them even it hard to you? If your mind thinking “of cause not”. That mean you dun care about your friends. Some people say we should not trust your friend 100%. That true! But, you have to remember that friend can be second after family. Some friend we can trust but dun trust in

How about Relationship? In our age even still young, they also want to try about that kind of feeling. But for the person, who doesn’t marry yet. Please don’t ever want to put all your feeling to your couple. Because the first thing that we should make our life become a successful. It not matter if you have a relationship in teenager because all person have a feeling want to having some relationship even a teacher, professor, police or else. But as a teenager, we have to following the law of the country. Do not ever think when we have a relationship with someone then we can do whatever we like. We should be respecting each other especially teenager girls.

Didn’t someone forget about friends after have a relationship? Of cause there are, but please don’t do it because friends are hard to find then relationship. But for the single person, please respect your friends who have a relationship. Don’t be jealousy about it. One day your true love will come to you and her or him maybe your life partner.


A day before the party, my friend and I was disgust about our party. Some of my friend want have a party at them house but some of them want have a party at beach. It has been an hour to disgust about the place to have a party. A few later, one of my friends suggest have a party at Tanjung Aru beach. At last, all of them were deal about the suggestion. Then we starting collect the money for our party. Then my a few friends join me go to buy some ingredient for the party.
The party day, I’m borrowing my friend’s van to fetch all my friends. We all were disappointed because there are going rain. But it not a problem of us because me and my friends all waiting for it has been long time. When we reach there, I and my friends run to the sea without changing our cloth. Then some of my friends were preparing the barbeque. Then we play our game at the beach that is playing rugby at the beach. It such fun because i didn’t have play rugby at beach before. Before we all take a meal, we all run to the sea again and play again at the sea. Then we have a delicious barbeque chicken wing and cold coke. Then one of my friends was playing guitar and we all was sing a song. After take a breath, we still continue our rugby game. It feels so painful but it still fun for us. Suddenly, there got a people has been bite by jelly fish. Thanks for the God because got a safety guard at there, the guard put the vinegar at the pain. But, at last the person was send to the hospital. We have a party until 7 pm at tanjung aru. All of us was tired but it still a sweet memories for our friendship...