Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Day We'Ve Become Friends

The day I met my best friend
It's like he knew me right away
It was funny how he understood
everything I had to say.
He listened to my problems
He listened to my dreams
He's been my friend forever
Maybe that’s just what It seems
He knew everything about me
I've given him the key
The key to my heart
Where every best friend should be
We talk all day
We could talk all night
Even when we are near
Or totally out of sight
To be the best friend that he could be amazes me
Because I don't think he will ever see
The best friend that he turned out to be
I just wanted to say take care
and thanks for always being there!

Thank You...

Thank you
For everything you have ever done
To make my life better
I might deny it sometimes
But a great part of who I am
Is thanks to the two of you
Sometimes I thought to myself
That you where being too strict
Sometimes unfair
But now I see
That it was all for the better
And I am thankful for it all
You taught me respect
On a level most kids my age
Never even heard of
You taught me the value of life
In a easy way to understand
I know that I
Can sometimes be a little hard headed
Or even a real teaser
But still I have managed
To follow your teachings
And become
As good a person as I can be

Thank you
For everything

Not Worth The Fight

How could you hurt me,
The way that you did,
I'm here for you always,
Is what you had said?
Now that you've lied,
Our friendship is dead,
It is now gone,
Left in the past,
Ours was a friendship,
I thought would last,
Why did you lie?
Why'd you pretend?
To actually care,
To be my good friend,
It pains me to know,
It's come to an end,
Somehow I guess it just wasn't right,
Our friendship's now cold,
And dark as the night,
I've come to the fact,

What Happen To Us?

What happen to us?
We use to be cool
And now we don’t even hang out around school

Where did the old days go?
Where we use to laugh and talk, joke around
Now were never near each other on the ground

I feel like we fought over stupid stuff
And even though times get rough
We are suppose to be tough

Don’t you feel like we created a wall?
In between us when we walk down the hall
I believe that it’s not right
That we got in a fight

Worst of all we got in a fight over a boy
Who was like a used up toy
Why can’t we understand that he broke our hearts
And then, one by one, tore us apart

And now he’s buttering me up
Saying that he loves me but do you think I am tough
Enough to say no
To the little boy who is a ho*

Now let me ask you a question
And maybe people have new suggestions
To what happen to us?